Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 70

CMG-EAM (Platinum Firmware)
You will see this screen (shown in parts):
Choose the required Connection type from the following list:
Local serial link (active/client mode)
Local serial link (passive/server mode)
GPRS connection via Vodafone
GPRS connection via T-Mobile
The choices available from this menu reflect the chat scripts installed
on your system. If you wish to use a satellite modem or GPRS with an
ISP other than those listed, please contact Güralp Systems Ltd
technical support.
In the Number of seconds to power down modem between calls text
field, set the desired time-out for the modem, if required.
The “IP addresses and routing” section of this page handles the
network configuration. In active/client mode or when connecting to
an ISP, the remote PPP daemon will set these parameters, in which
case this section can be left blank.
Issue C