Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 213

Operator's Guide
Send files. Choose the protocol like you do with the receive
command. If you don't have the filename selection window
enabled (in the File transfer protocols menu), you'll just have to
write the filename(s) in a dialog window. If you have the
selection window enabled, a window will pop up showing the
filenames in your upload directory. You can tag and untag
filenames by pressing spacebar, and move the cursor up and
down with the cursor keys or j/k. The selected filenames are
shown highlighted. Directory names are shown [within
brackets] and you can move up or down in the directory tree
by pressing the spacebar twice. Finally, send the files by
pressing ENTER or quit by pressing ESC.
Choose Terminal emulation: Ansi(color) or vt100. You can also
change the backspace key here, turn the status line on or off,
and define delay (in milliseconds) after each newline if you
need that.
Toggle line-wrap on/off.
Exit minicom, reset modem. If macros changed and were not
saved, you will have a chance to do so.
Paste a file. Reads a file and sends its contents just as if it
would be typed in.
Pop up the help screen.
November 2010