Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 177

Operator's Guide Digitiser/Sensor Control - Command line
Platinum provides both a high-level and a low-level interface to
connected digitisers. The low-level interface involves interacting
directly with the command-line of the digitiser and is described at the
end of this section.
The high-level interface is provided by the adccommand command,
which takes a number of sub-commands as described below. Each
command must be directed to a specific sensor and this must be
specified as the first argument. When invoked with no arguments, or
with the help argument, a list of available targets (referred to as
“modules”) is displayed:
eam2010 ~ # adc-command --help
usage: adc-command
======== Available ADC modules ========
This is followed by a list of available sub-commands. In the
descriptions below, module should be replaced by a name from the
list provided by invoking adccommand help.
adccommand module masscentre
Perform a centring operation on the sensor's masses. This
sub-command takes no options.
adccommand module massquery
Display the current mass positions of the sensor. This sub-
command takes no options. The masses are displayed in
counts, every second for six seconds.
adccommand module masslock
Lock the masses for transportation. This sub-command takes
no options.
adccommand module massunlock
Unlock the masses for deployment. This sub-command takes
no options.
adccommand module calibsine arguments
November 2010