Comtech EF Data CDM-760 User Manual
Page 69
Updating Firmware
Revision 2
CDM-760 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem
4.2 Get Started: Prepare for the Firmware Download
Do these steps:
First, identify the firmware number/revision letter/version number and the assigned
Ethernet Management IP Address.
User-supplied items needed:
• A Microsoft Windows-based PC running the latest version of Java and equipped with
available serial and Ethernet ports, a compatible Web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer),
and a terminal emulator program (e.g., Tera Term or HyperTerminal).
• A CAT5 Ethernet cable to connect the PC Ethernet port to the CDM-760.
• A 9-pin serial cable to connect the PC serial port to the CDM-760.
Use an Ethernet hub, switch, or direct cable
connection to connect the CDM-760 rear panel
J4 | MGMT 10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet port to an
Ethernet port on the User PC.
Alternately, when the optional
High-Speed Packet Processor is
installed and enabled, use an
Ethernet hub, switch, or direct
cable connection to connect the
Packet Processor’s P0 | MGMT
RJ-45 M&C port to an Ethernet
port on the User PC.
Use the 9-pin serial cable to connect the CDM-760 rear panel J3 | REMOTE serial port to
a serial port on the User PC.
On the PC – Open the terminal emulator program. Configure the program serial port
communication and terminal display settings.
Be sure your terminal emulator settings match the settings displayed on
the CDM-760 Front Panel SELECT: Configuration → Remote → Remote
Control: Serial or Ser+Ethernet screens.
Modem factory default operation requires these settings:
• 38400 bps (Baud Rate)
• 8 Data Bits
• Parity = NO
• 1 Stop Bit
• Local Echo = ON
• Port Flow Control = NONE
• Display New line Rx/Tx: CR