Comtech EF Data CDM-760 User Manual
Page 188

Ethernet-based Remote Product Management
Revision 2
CDM-760 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem
Add New Route
Use the available text boxes and drop-down lists in this section to create (add) a new route.
Note the following (from left to right):
This is the read-only internal table index. It is automatically assigned.
(Route) Desc.
This label helps to maintain the network. Enter a unique label consisting of up to 20
characters in this text box.
Enter a Destination IP Address/Mask in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY.
Use the drop-down list to select the Interface as toWAN or toLAN.
Enter the desired Next Hop IP Address for toLAN routes. Note that no Next Hop entry is
needed for toWAN routes.
Click [Add Entry] to execute addition of the new route to the Route Table. Upon entry, the
Route Table index automatically increments to the next available number.
Route Table (Edit)
Use the available text boxes and drop-down lists in this section to make changes to an existing
route. See “Add New Route” for detailed descriptions of each routing feature.
Click [Submit Changes] to save.
Delete Route
Enter Route Index to Delete, and then click [Delete Entry] to execute removal of that route
from the route table.
Delete All Routes – Use With Caution
Use the drop-down list to select Yes or No for Delete All Entries? Click [Submit] to execute
removal of all entries from the route table.