Comtech EF Data CDM-760 User Manual
Page 193

Ethernet-based Remote Product Management
Revision 2
CDM-760 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem
Add New QoS Rule
In ‘Max/Priority’ QoS Mode:
In ‘Min/Max’ QoS Mode:
Use the available text boxes and drop-down lists in this section to create a new QoS rule. Note
the following (from left to right):
Use the drop-down list to select the Protocol as UDP, TCP, ICMP, RTP, VOICE, VIDEO,
VLAN Range
Enter a single VLAN ID (2012) or a range of VLAN IDs (2000-2012).
Enter an MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) experimental bit label as follows:
Enter an explicit MPLS match. For example, “101” triggers true only for an EXP bit
sequence of “101”.
Enter wildcard character “Z”. For example, “10Z” triggers true if either “101” or “100”
appears in the EXP bits of the MPLS label.
Type Of Service bits include a six-bit Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) and a two-
bit Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) field:
Enter an explicit Code Point match.
Enter the wildcard entry of 255 so that all values trigger true.
Src IP/Mask
Enter a Source IP Address/Mask in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY.
Dst IP/Mask
Enter a Destination IP Address/Mask in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY.
Min/Max Src Port
You should specify the Min / Max Source / Destination Ports only if you are aware of
the port usage of the desired protocol or application. There are well-known ports for
various protocols, but often only the ‘command’ messaging is transacted on these ports and
the ‘data’ is transferred through a negotiated port.
Min/Max Dst Port
Min BW (Kbps)
(“Min/Max” mode only) Assign a value to limit the flow to this minimum utilized bandwidth;
otherwise, you may select the default of no bandwidth restriction.
Max BW (Kbps)
Assign a value to limit the flow to this maximum utilized bandwidth; otherwise, you may
select the default of no bandwidth restriction.
(“Max/Priority” mode only) Use the drop-down list to assign a Priority Level from 1 to 8 for
each flow:
The IP Module classifies each packet that is to be forwarded over the satellite; the
packet then has a Priority assigned according to the defined QoS Rules;
Any latency critical traffic such as VoIP/RTP should always be assigned Priority 1;
Priority 1 packets are forwarded immediately; Priority 2 packets are forwarded as soon
as there are no Priority 1 packets in the Queue; and so on;
Any packet that does not meet a QoS Rule is assigned to the Default Rule and is
assigned a Priority of 9.