Comtech EF Data CDM-760 User Manual

Page 287

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Appendix A

Revision 2

CDM-760 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem




Select File → Site Manager... or click the

Site Manager icon (the first icon at the

far left on the Toolbar). The “Site

Manager” dialogue box appears:


Click [New Site] (located below the Select Entry: window) and enter a name (e.g., this

example uses the assigned CDM-760 Ethernet Management IP Address).


Select the “General” tab to display the dialog box and fill out the fields:

For “Host:” enter a name (e.g., the CDM-760 Ethernet Management IP Address).

For “Protocol:” make sure the drop-down list is set to “FTP – File Transfer Protocol”.

For “Encryption:” make sure the drop-down list is set to “Use plain FTP”.

For “Logon Type:” make sure the drop-down list is set to “Anonymous”.


Select the “Transfer Settings” tab to

display the dialog box:

For “Transfer Mode:” click the

Active” option button.

Put a checkmark in the “Limit

number of simultaneous

connections” checkbox, and then

make sure the “Maximum number

of connections:” drop-down list is

set to “1” (the CDM-760 supports

only one FTP connection at a time).

Click [OK] to save the settings. The dialog box will close and you will return to the main
