Comtech EF Data CDM-760 User Manual
Page 282

Appendix A
Revision 2
CDM-760 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem
The Command-line prompt changes to “ftp>”. Type "put F0020627.tar F0020627.tar" at
the prompt (without quotes) to begin the file transfer.
The naming and file format for Firmware Vers. 1.3.1 and 1.2.1 differs from
the naming and file format for Firmware Ver. 1.1.1! See Sect. A.3 for
instructions on updating CDM-760 modems running FW Ver. 1.1.1.
The file transfer process takes about 10 minutes – do not power off the PC or modem
during this time. As the upgrade process continues, the modem front panel displays:
Programming ModemApp
XXX% Complete
Loading FPGA XX of XX
XXX% Complete
Once the file transfers, Command-line displays the upload result, similar to:
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR (,-9944)
226 File received OK – XXXXXXX bytes in XX.XXX sec
001 Flash programming Successful‼
ftp: XXXXXXX bytes sent in XX.XXSeconds XXX.XXXKbytes/sec.
Type "bye" to terminate the FTP session, and then close the Command-line window.
Use one of these methods to verify that the PC-to-Modem FTP file transfer was successful:
Use the CDM-760 Front Panel – After reboot, confirm that the Modem Firmware
Version that displays on the CDM-760 Front Panel VFD top-level screen matches the
firmware version just loaded.
You may also review the SELECT: Utility → Firmware → Info → Image#1 and Image#2
screens for detailed firmware information.
Use the CDM-760 HTTP Interface – Review the firmware version on the Home page, or
the Image 1 and Image 2 folder contents on the Status | Firmware page:
(Note that the appearance of the CDM-760 HTTP Interface Status | Firmware FW Ver.
1.3.1 / 1.2.1 page differs from the appearance of the FW Ver. 1.4.1 page. The FW Ver.
1.2.1 page is shown here.)