Altera RapidIO MegaCore Function User Manual

Page 90

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Chapter 4: Functional Description

Logical Layer Modules

RapidIO MegaCore Function

August 2014

Altera Corporation

User Guide

Let avalon_address[31:0] be the 32-bit Avalon-MM address, and rio_addr[33:0] be
the RapidIO address, in which rio_addr[33:32] is the 2-bit wide xamsbs field,

is the 29-bit wide address field in the packet, and rio_addr[2:0] is

implicitly defined by wdptr and rdsize or wrsize.

Let base[31:0], mask[31:0], and offset[31:0] be the values defined by the three
corresponding window-defining registers. The least significant 3 bits of base, mask,
and offset are fixed at 3’b000 regardless of the content of the window-defining

Let xamo be the Extended Address MSBits Offset field in the Input/Output Slave
Window n Offset

register (the two least significant bits of the register).

Starting with window 0, find the first window for which


& mask) == (base & mask))

where N is 2 in 1x variations and 3 in 2x and 4x variations.


[33:3] = {xamo, (offset [31:3] & mask [31:3]) |

({avalon_address,Nb’0} [31:3]])}

If the address matches multiple windows, the lowest number window register set is
used. The Avalon-MM slave interface’s burstcount and byteenable signals determine
the values of wdptr and rdsize or wrsize, as described in

“Avalon-MM Burstcount

and Byteenable Encoding in RapidIO Packets” on page 4–48


The priority and DESTINATION_ID fields are inserted from the control register.

If the address does not match any window the following events occur:

An interrupt bit, either WRITE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS or READ_OUT_OF_BOUNDS in the

Slave Interrupt register (

Table 6–46 on page 6–22

), is set.

The interrupt signal sys_mnt_s_irq is asserted if enabled by the corresponding bit
in the Input/Output Slave Interrupt Enable register (

Table 6–47 on page 6–23


The COMPLETED_OR_CANCELLED_WRITES field of the Input/Output Slave RapidIO
Write Requests

register is incremented if the transaction is a write request.

An interrupt is cleared by writing 1 to the interrupt register’s corresponding bit