Running qsys, Running qsys –3 – Altera RapidIO MegaCore Function User Manual

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Chapter 8: Qsys Design Example


Running Qsys

August 2014

Altera Corporation

RapidIO MegaCore Function

User Guide


Click Yes, if prompted, to create a new directory.

6. Click Next to display the Family and Device Settings page.

7. On the Family and Device Settings page, select the following target device family

and options:

a. In the Family list, select Stratix IV (GT/GX/E).


This design example creates a design targeting the Stratix IV GX device
family. You can also use these procedures for other supported device
families, after modifying the design example file appropriately.

b. In the Target device box, select Auto device selected by the Fitter.

8. Click Next to display the EDA Tool Settings page.

9. Click Next to display the Summary page.

10. Check the Summary page to ensure that you have entered all the information


11. Click Finish to complete the Quartus II project.

Running Qsys

This section provides instructions to create and generate your own Qsys system for
the design example. The instructions teach you the process to create a Qsys system.

If you prefer to run the design example without performing the steps to create your
own Qsys system, you can use the Qsys system file (.qsys) provided in the design
example directory.

To run Qsys to generate your system, whether from your own .qsys file or the design
example installation .qsys file, perform the following steps:

1. In the Quartus II software, on the Tools menu, click Qsys.

2. To use the Qsys system provided with your Quartus II installation in

<QII_install_dir>, perform the following steps:

a. Copy the file

to your Quartus II project directory.

b. In Qsys, on the File menu, click Open.

c. Browse to your Quartus II project directory, if necessary, and click rio_sys.qsys.

d. Click Open.

e. Proceed directly to

“Generating the System” on page 8–11

and follow the


3. To learn how to create a Qsys system by generating the design example Qsys

system manually, proceed to

“Adding and Parameterizing the RapidIO


and follow the instructions.