Status blocks for reporting ram (screw) position, Status blocks for reporting clamp position, Status blocks for reporting ejector position – Rockwell Automation 1771-QDC PLASTIC MOLD.MODULE User Manual
Page 180
Status Word/Bit Descriptions
Publication 1771-6.5.88 – July 1997
Notes: 1. For [ ] engineering units, see page 3.
2. When using the Inject/Clamp/Eject mode, all pressure readings are system pressure at input 2, except where noted.
The QDC module can return any of these status blocks:
Injection Profile Status Block
Pack/Hold Profile Status Block
Plastication Profile Status Block
Process Trace Status Block
Inject ERC Values Status Block
After you configure the QDC module with a valid MCC, the module
determines if it has access to ram (screw) position data from the ram
(screw) position sensor. The module considers these command blocks
recognizable and can return these status blocks when it has an analog
input reserved for a ram (screw) position sensor, and the sensor is
physically connected to input 1.
The QDC module can return any of these status blocks:
Clamp Close Profile Status Block
Clamp Open Profile Status Block
Clamp and Eject ERC Values Status Block
After you configure the QDC module with a valid MCC, the module
determines if it has access to clamp position data from the clamp
position sensor. The module considers these command blocks
recognizable and can return these status blocks when it has an analog
input reserved for a clamp position sensor, and the sensor is physically
connected to input 3.
The QDC module can return this status block:
Ejector Profile Status Block
After you configure the QDC module with a valid MCC, the module
determines if it has access to clamp and ejector position data from
both position sensors. The module considers these command blocks
recognizable and can return the status block when it has analog
inputs reserved for ejector position and clamp position sensors, and
both sensors are physically connected to inputs 3 and 4 respectively.
Status Blocks for
Reporting Ram (Screw)
Status Blocks for
Reporting Clamp Position
Status Blocks for
Reporting Ejector Position