MTS FlexTest Models 200 User Manual
Page 326

MTS FlexTest® Models 40/60/100/200 Controller Hardware
Aero Multibox Overview
Aero Multibox Systems
Configure the Model 494.79 Multiple Universal Driver (MUD) Board
1. In the Hwi File Editor window, expand the hardware tree to display the
494.79 Multiple Universal Valve Driver [19] settings.
2. In the Interlock Enable list, click False.
Standard MTS servo valve cables do not support the cable-loss interlock
detection circuit so the Interlock Enable setting must be set to False.
3. In the Range box, enter the servovalve drive current value that matches the
coil rating of the servo valve. Selections include: 25 mA, 50 mA, and 75
MTS servo valves have a coil rating of 50 mA.
Some custom systems require a user-defined drive current value. For
these systems, the range setting is set to zero and a resistor is installed
on the MUD board.
4. Repeat this procedure for each of the “494.79 Multiple Universal Valve
Driver” outputs in the controller.