Specifications–model 493.72 digital i/o board – MTS FlexTest Models 200 User Manual
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MTS FlexTest® Models 40/60/100/200 Controller Hardware
Model 493.72 Digital I/O Board
Digital I/O and Transition Boards
Specifications–Model 493.72 Digital I/O Board
Low current
Low-current applications that use the Model 493.31 DI/O Breakout Box
typically use the 12 VDC power from the Model 493.72 board.
High current
High-current applications that use the Model 494.31 DI/O Breakout Box
typically use the output circuits from the Model 493.72 board to drive the
high-current switching circuits on the breakout box.
For more information
For device wiring diagrams see:
“Model 493.31 16-Channel Low-Current DI/O Breakout Box”
“Model 494.31 16-Channel High-Current DI/O Breakout Box”
Model 493.72 Digital I/O Board Specifications
Digital Inputs
Connector J3 (D-37S)
Provides 16 optically isolated digital inputs:
Input ON Voltage = 2.7–26 V DC
(at 0.5 mA minimum)
Input OFF Voltage = <0.8 V DC
Input Resistance = 2 Kohm
Jumper Selectable Debounce Times:
20 ms, 10 ms, 1 ms, 0.1 ms
Digital Outputs
Connector J4 (D-37S)
Provides 16 optically isolated digital outputs:
Output Voltage = 5–30 V DC
Output Current = 20 mA maximum at 12 V DC