Xerox 4112-4127 Enterprise Printing System-192 User Manual
Page 500
Using LCDS Print Description Language
job recovery
online, 2-3
coding, 1-49–1-61
full procedure, 1-56–1-61
short procedure, 1-50–1-55
command levels, 1-18–1-28
compiling, 1-65–1-72
correcting errors, 1-70–1-72
hints and tips, 1-47–1-49
default, 1-53
definition, 1-2
ending, 1-12, 1-29–1-30
from other monochrome printers, 1-81
information specified in, 1-18
required elements, 1-47
sample, 1-30–1-31, 1-46, 1-48
offline, 1-63
online, 1-61, 2-6
saving a new, 1-54, 1-59
what to know before creating, 1-31–1-40
KANJI parameter, VOLUME command, 2-62
KCODE command, 2-28–2-30
ASSIGN parameter, 2-29
DEFAULT parameter, 2-29
KCODE parameter, VOLUME command, 2-63
keywords, command, 1-5, 1-6
LABEL parameter, VOLUME command, 2-63
label, tape, 2-63
landscape orientation, 1-38
laser safety, xvii
late binding attributes, 1-41–1-44
setting, 1-41
lcds folder, 1-2, 1-55, 1-60
LCODE parameter, VOLUME command, 2-64
LENGTH parameter
BLOCK command, 2-14
RECORD command, 2-38
levels of commands, 1-18–1-28
LINE command, 1-25, 4-23–4-39
BASELINE parameter, 4-24
BLANKTYPE parameter, 4-25
DATA parameter, 4-26
FCB parameter, 4-26
FDATA parameter, 4-27
FONTINDEX parameter, 4-28
GDATA parameter, 4-29
INKINDEX parameter, 4-30
LPI parameter, 4-31
MARGIN parameter, 4-32
OVERPRINT parameter, 4-32
PCC parameter, 4-34
PCCTYPE parameter, 4-35
VFU parameter, 4-36
LINE parameter
CME command, 4-16
LINENUM parameter
CRITERIA command, 3-11, 3-17
LMODIFY command, 3-31–3-33
INK parameter, 3-31
SELECT parameter, 3-32
TEST parameter, 3-32
LMULT parameter
BLOCK command, 2-15
RECORD command, 2-39
loading files to disk, 5-28–5-33, 6-2
logical page, 1-35
beginning, 4-95
DJDE, 5-17
multiple, 5-9
positioning on physical page, 3-43
logical processing
command descriptions, 3-22–3-60
specifying, 1-23
LOGO parameter
OUTPUT command, 4-63
specifying, 4-63, 5-50
changing to, 1-8
LPACK parameter, VOLUME command, 2-64
LPI DJDE, 5-52
LPI parameter
LINE command, 4-31
LST file, 1-70–1-72
definition, 1-69
LTHFLD parameter
BLOCK command, 2-15
RECORD command, 2-39
MAP DJDE, 5-53
MAP parameter, SEFFNT command, 2-46
MARGIN parameter
LINE command, 4-32
margins, setting, 4-32, 4-34, 5-53
character, 3-6–3-7
comparison, 3-12
MASK parameter
TABLE command, 3-6
example, 3-7–3-8
MASK parameter, PCC command, 2-35
MAXLAB parameter, VOLUME command, 2-65