ADC AVIDIA SWD4573I1 User Manual
Page 336

Monitoring System Bridge/STP Statistics
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Bridge Addr
The MAC address of the bridge.
Bridge Type
The Avidia system currently supports transparent bridging only.
Discarded Entries
The number of entries deleted from the Bridging Table because the
Bridging Table has reached the maximum allowable size (4K).
The STP protocol version in use by the system. The only option
currently supported by the system is: ieee8021d—IEEE 802.1d
Aging Time (sec)
The number of seconds after which forwarding information will be
deleted from the Bridging Table if it is not re-learned.
Time Since Topology
The number of seconds that have passed since the STP’s learned
physical topology of the system last changed.
Topology Changes Since
The number of times the STP’s learned physical topology of the
system has changed since the management card was last reset.
Designated Root
The MAC address of the bridge that is designated as the root, or base,
of the STP topology.
Root Cost
The cost of the path from the bridge port to the designated root. The
range is from 1 to 65535, with 1 indicating the lowest cost.
Root Port
The bridge port that is chosen by the STP to forward traffic to the root.
Current Max Age (sec)
The maximum age value currently in use in the network, which is
determined by the STP root system. This value may be different than
the configured maximum age within the system. The maximum age is
the number of seconds after which STP entries in the Bridging Table
will be deleted if they are not re-learned.
Current Hello Time (sec)
The maximum hello time currently in use in the network, which is
determined by the STP root system. This value may be different than
the configured maximum hello time within the system. The maximum
hello time is the interval, in seconds, at which you want the system to
send STP packets.
Current Hold Time (sec)
The maximum hold time is the interval during which no more than two
bridge BPDUs should be transmitted by the system. In the Avidia
system this value is always 1 (one second).
Current Forward Delay
The maximum forward delay currently in use by the system, which is
determined by the STP root system. This value may be different than
the configured maximum forward delay within the system. The
maximum forward delay is the number of seconds you want the
system to wait before changing the STP state of a particular interface.