Create a new job – enter first point screen – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual

Page 7

background image

c or ch = Chains

Once the cursor leaves that field, the distance will be converted automatically. (A space between the value and the unit
abbreviation is optional.)

Units for Angles: specifies if angles will be entered in Degrees or Grads.

Adjust for Earth Curvature / Refraction: when checked, the elevations recorded from all shots will be adjusted to
compensate for earth curvature and refraction.

Use Scale Factor: when checked, all horizontal distances when taking shots will be adjusted by the scale factor entered

[Next >]: opens the the

Enter First Point screen

, where you can specify how to generate the initial coordinates for the

job. If you are

not importing

a control file, you must enter the coordinate for the first point. If you are



control file, entering a coordinate is optional.

(Cancel): cancels the creation of a new job and brings you back to the

Main Menu


Create a New Job – Enter First Point Screen

This screen will only appear when the Import Control File checkbox was checked in the first

Create a New Job


Enter First Point: when this box is checked, the additional fields will appear allowing you to create a new point.

Note: Although all new jobs must have at least one point, creating a new point in this case is optional since points are
already being loaded into the job in the form of control points.

Point Name: is the name of the initial point.

Northing: is the Y-coordinate of the initial point.

Easting: is the X-coordinate of the initial point.

Elevation: is the elevation of the initial point.

Description: is the description of the initial point.

[< Back]: returns you to the first screen.

[Finish]: stores a new job file and raw data file using the specified information.

(Cancel): cancels the creation of a new job and brings you back to the

Main Menu


Create a New Job – Enter First Point Screen (No Control or External Control Import)

Point Name: is the name of the initial point.