Create a new job - file name screen, Create a new job – select control file screen, Create a new job – units and format screen – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual

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The New Job screen is used to create a new job.

Create a New Job - File Name Screen

Directory: displays the directory where the current job will be stored.

Job Name: is where the name of the new job is entered. The default name is the current date.

[Browse…] (upper): allows you to select a different directory where to store the new job.

Use or Import a Control File: when checked, you can import the points from a different job as control points. If you
click [Next >] in this screen, it opens a

Units and Format screen

where job details are defined.

[Next >]: opens the next screen where job details are defined.

Note: Pressing [Next>] may result in a warning if you have chosen a folder in the data collector’s RAM instead of a
location on an external CF card.

(Cancel): cancels the creation of a new job and brings you back to the

Main Menu


Create a New Job – Select Control File Screen

Import Control Points: check to import control points into the new job and records are written to the raw data file.

Use External Control File: check to reference control points from the control file. The points are not imported into
the job and are not written to the raw data file.

[Browse…]: allows you to select a job to import control points from.

[]: returns you to the first screen. If you do not want to use a control file, clear the Use or Import a Control
check box.

Next >]: opens the

Units and Format screen

where job details are defined.

Create a New Job – Units and Format Screen

Azimuth Type: specifies if you are surveying with a North Azimuth or South Azimuth.

Units for Distances: specifies if your distances will be entered in International Feet, US Survey Feet, or Meters.

Note: You can enter a distance in any distance field in units other than what is set for the job by appending the
distance value with the following characters:

f or ft or ift = International Feet
usf or usft = US Survey Feet
i or in = Inches
m = Meters
cm = Centimeters
mm = Millimeters