Manage basemaps edit basemaps, Manage basemaps, Screen – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual
Page 235: Edit basemaps
Zoom To Point Button: prompts you for a point name and then the map view will be centered to the specified
point with the point label displayed in red.
Turn To Point Button: Tap this button and then tap a point in the map view to automatically turn the total
station to the selected point. This is only available when a robotic total station is selected and Remote Control is active
in the Instrument Settings.
Increase Vertical Scale: is only available when viewing a vertical profile. Each time it is tapped, the vertical scale
of the view is increased.
Decrease Vertical Scale: is only available when viewing a vertical profile. Each time it is tapped, the vertical
scale of the view is decreased.
Zoom Preview Button: will display only the points that are currently in use.
Map Display Options: opens the
screen, described below.
Manage Basemaps: opens the
screen, described below (only available from the main map
view, accessed from the command bar button).
Manage Basemaps
From the Map View, tap
The Manage Basemaps screen is used to select the basemaps to display in the map view for the current job. Consult
the User’s Manual for more information on using basemaps.
The main portion of the screen lists the names of all the basemaps that have been added to the current job. The other
columns display if each basemap is visible and the number of elements in the vector basemaps.
[Add…]: allows you to select additional basemaps for the current job.
[Edit…]: opens the Edit Basemap screen, described below, where you can preview or edit the selected basemap.
(Raster basemaps cannot be edited.)
[Remove…]: removes the selected basemap from the list. (The source file will not be removed.)
[Move Up]: will move the selected basemap up one level in the list. (Consult the User’s manual for information on
how to manage basemaps.)
[Move Down]: will move the selected basemap down one level in the list.
wizard where you can calculate a shift and rotation of DXF basemaps to the job
Edit Basemaps