Slope staking- screen 5 slope staking offset stake, Slope staking – screen 5, Slope staking offset stake – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual

Page 157

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The button described below selects the type of slope that will be used between the catch point and hinge point from the
following options:

[Automatic Slope]: selects the slope that is nearest to the current rod position.
[Force CUT Slope]: forces all computations to be based on a cut slope.
[Force FILL Slope]: forces all computations to be based on a fill slope.

[Topo SS…]: will store the last shot taken as a side shot.

HR: is the rod height.

[< Back]: returns to the

previous screen


[Store >]: opens the

next screen


Slope Staking – Screen 5

The fifth screen is used to store a point for the last shot taken from the previous screen, which should be located at the
catch point.

Point Name: is the name assigned to the stored point.

Description: is the description assigned to the stored point.

[Results]: This will display the following additional cut, fill, and location information:

Type of slope (e.g. left/right, cut/fill)
Design and observed slope ratios (run over rise)
Design and actual stations
HD and Cut/Fill to Hinge Point
HD and Cut/Fill to Center Line
If applicable, HD and Cut/Fill to Edge of Pavement and Edge of Curb
Name of segment and HD and Cut/Fill to that segment extremity (Road Slope Stake only)

[Store CP]: stores the point.

Offset from CP: This field is used if you want to stake another location that is at the specified horizontal distance
from the catch point away from the road.

[Solve >]: opens a

new screen

used to stake the point at the offset specified above.

[< Back]: returns to the

previous screen


[Next CP >]: returns to the

third slope staking screen

where the station to stake can be advanced and the next catch

point can be located.

Slope Staking Offset Stake

The following screen is only accessed if you choose to stake a point at a specified offset away from the catch point.

Station: displays the current station being slope staked.