Start stop/go occupy (stop/go) end recording, End recording, Prompt – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual

Page 132: Stop and go, Receiver session, Screen, Start stop/go, Stop/go receiver session

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processing points in the job file will go on the layer selected on the Job | Settings | Post Process screen.
Point or Site ID: Enter the station name for the static session.
Description: Enter the description for the static session.
Antenna: Displays antenna setup for this receiver.
[Set HR]: Opens up the

Receiver Antenna

screen, where you can modify the antenna type and measurement for this

[Apply]: Sends the current station and antenna information to the receiver.

Note: Some receivers can not change the station name and antenna height of a session once it is started, therefore, this
button may be disabled depending on your brand and model, and the state of the current post processing survey.

[End Survey]: Ends the static point occupation, and closes the file.

Start Stop/Go

[Survey] [Start Stop/Go]
When you are starting a stop and go post processing survey you will first be prompted to select a receiver with the

Connect to Post Process Receiver


Stop/Go Receiver Session

[Survey] [Post Processing] [Start ... >]
or [Survey] [Occupy]
or (in GNSS mode) [Survey] [Control Points] [Post Process]

The Stop/Go Receiver Session screen is used to mark the beginning and end of static segments during the stop and go
post processing log file. You can enter the point name and descriptions of the static segments, as well as change the
antenna height for occupations. This screen is also used in GNSS mode if you want to record an extra occupation to
log file when logging post processing simultaneous with RTK.
Store point in: Select how to store this session. You will always get a session recorded in the post processing log file.
Select Receiver and job file to also store a point record in the the software .JOB file as well. By default, post
processing points in the job file will go on the layer selected on the Job | Settings | Post Process screen.
Point or Site ID: Enter the station name for the stop and go point.
Description: Enter the description for the stop and go point.
Session Duration: Allows you to specify how long you want each static occupation during the stop and go file to last.
Log Until Stop: Check this control to have the static occupation continue until you tap [Stop]. If this is unchecked,
the static occupation will last as many minutes and seconds that you have set in the duration edit fields.
[Start]: Marks the beginning of a static point occupation with the entered Site ID and Description.

[Apply]: Updates the static occupation with any changes of the Site ID, Description, or antenna height. This button
only appears after you have tapped [Start] to begin a static occupation, and only for brands and models that support
this function.

[Stop]: Marks the end of the static occupation.

End Recording