Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual
Page 156

Des. Slope: is the design cut or fill slope.
Obs. Slope: is the computed (observed) cut or fill slope based on the last shot and the corresponding hinge point.
Cut / Fill: is the cut or fill required for the current rod location to be positioned on the design slope.
Toward CL / Away CL: is the computed horizontal distance that the rod must move either toward the centerline or
away from it, respectively, before it is positioned at the catch point.
Note: The computed horizontal distance is based on the observed terrain computed from the last two shots. If only one
shot has been taken, it is assumed that the terrain is level when computing this value.
On Station / Back Sta / Ahead Sta: informs you if the rod is on the station being staked, or the distance it must move
(parallel to the centerline) back or ahead to be on the correct station.
HD to HP: is the horizontal distance from the rod to the hinge point.
VD to HP: is the vertical distance from the rod to the hinge point.
HD to CL: is the horizontal distance from the rod to the centerline.
VD to CL: is the vertical distance from the rod to the centerline.
EDM: This button can be toggled to shoot in various EDM modes. The options available depend on the total station
being used. Consult the total station’s documentation for more information on the EDM modes that it supports.
[Results]: This will display the following additional cut, fill, and location information:
Type of slope (e.g. left/right, cut/fill)
Design and observed slope ratios (run over rise)
Design and actual stations
HD and Cut/Fill to Hinge Point
HD and Cut/Fill to Center Line
If applicable, HD and Cut/Fill to Edge of Pavement and Edge of Curb
Name of segment and HD and Cut/Fill to that segment extremity (Road Slope Stake only)
Note: The [Results] button is only available from the Store Catch Point screen (Screen 5, below) when using GPS or
Remote mode, which is accessed after tapping [Store >].
The button described below selects which information is displayed on the screen from the following options:
[Vertical Map]: displays a cross-sectional view at the current station.
Note: When you tap a map view, an expanded view of the same map will fill the screen.
Note: The Vertical Map will show an X at the location of each previous shot. This can be useful in determining if the
current terrain will never intersect the slope (no catch point).
[Horizontal Map]: displays an overhead view of the job.
[Shot Data]: displays the shot data for the latest shot.