Points on dtm layer 3d view 3d view settings, Points on dtm layer, 3d view – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.9 User Manual

Page 55: 3d view settings

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Points on DTM Layer

[Job] [View DTM] [Points…]

The Points on DTM Layer screen displays all the points on the DTM layer and allows you to add points from another
layer or delete (move) points to a different layer.

[Delete]: Move the selected point(s) to the Auxiliary layer. If the Auxiliary layer is not specified, you will be prompted
to select the layer to move the points to.

Note: Points on a boundary or break line cannot be deleted.

[GoTo]: Quickly find and select the specified point.

[Add From To]: Opens the Select Point(s) screen where a point range can be entered. The points will then be moved
to the DTM layer.

[Del From To]: Opens the Select Point(s) screen where a point range can be entered. The points will then be moved
to the Auxiliary layer.

3D View

[Job] [View DTM] [3D View…]

The 3D View screen is used to view the DTM from any angle.

[Settings]: Opens the 3D View Settings screen, described below, where the information displayed in the 3D view can
be configured.

[Volume]: Displays the total cut and fill volume between the area that has been staked and a reference datum, whose
elevation is specified in the 3D View Settings screen; or the total cut and fill between the area that has been staked and
the selected DTM.

Datum: Displays the datum elevation set in the 3D View Settings screen.

: Toggles to display or hide the point names and descriptions.

: When this button is activated, dragging within the 3D View will result in the image being rotated to any angle.

: When the button is activated, dragging within the 3D View will pan the image.

3D View Settings

[Job] [View DTM] [3D View…] [Settings]

The 3D View Settings screen is used to configure the information displayed in the 3D View screen.