Watlow LogicPro User Manual
Page 295

LogicPro User’s Guide
Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00
Watlow Anafaze
TCP/IP Address
The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
is a standard for computer network data transmissions
developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The ad-
dress identifies a unique machine connected to a net-
Text Editor
A Program used to edit text files that does not insert
characters other than those defined under ASCII. Al-
though, some older Line editors are still in use today,
full screen editors have eclipsed them in popularity.
The full screen editor allows you to edit any of the text
displayed on the screen. Notepad is an example of a
full screen text editor bundled with all Microsoft Win-
dows platforms.
Arrangement of open Program windows so an equal
portion of each window is displayed on the screen at
the same time.
Current Scan Time.
Timer Base
A tool used in simulation to accelerate the testing time.
Tool Bar
LogicPro displays a collection of programming tools
along the right side of the screen. The tools available
to you depend on the language selected. The toolbar
consists of a series of buttons with icons representing
different programming functions. See Chapter 2, The
LogicPro Workplace for a detailed description of all
the tools available for each language.
A collection of software “tools” designed to assist in
your development and editing tasks.
A user aide that allows you to identify an icon or other
desktop element by resting your cursor on it momen-
tarily. The Program responds by opening a small box
and displaying the object's name next to the cursor
along with a brief explanation in the Status Bar.
Decision point in an SFC program that determines
which step should be active.
Transition Condition
A Boolean expression or variable, the value of which
determines whether a transition along a directed link
Transition Operators
Symbols such as + and – representing mathematical
operations used in Transition Conditions.
Trash Can
A folder, or directory, into which deleted items are
placed. This allows you to easily recover items that
were deleted by mistake. This is a feature available in
Windows 95 and NT.
In Boolean Logic and Algebra, TRUE and FALSE are
the two possible values an expression may have.
Omission of trailing digits that do not fit in the avail-
able space. This occurs regularly when long floating-
point numbers are rounded down, for instance,
3.199999 may be truncated to 3.1.
See User Defined Function Block.
User Defined Function Block
A Program that once defined, compiled and added to
the library may be used in Ladder Diagrams and Func-
tion Block Diagrams in the same manner that standard
and vendor supplied function blocks are used. UDFBs
consist of input, output, and internal variables, as well
as a set of operations, like a normal function block.