Edit menu – Watlow LogicPro User Manual
Page 24
Chapter 2: LogicPro Workplace
LogicPro User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00
Edit Menu
This menu provides useful tools for managing changes for the
data in the active window. See Table 2.2 on page 9 for a
detailed listing of menu items.
Creates a backup copy of the chosen
type of item:
Import Variable
Reads data from an ASCII, comma-
delimited file. Allows you to create
and edit resource and program vari-
ables externally to LogicPro.
Export Variable
Writes data to an ASCII, comma-
delimited file. Allows you to edit
resource and program variables
external to LogicPro.
Report Setup…
Allows you to customize your docu-
mentation by specifying what informa-
tion appears in the printout.
Print Setup…
Customize user defined print options:
Which printer to print on.
Size and orientation of the paper, and
how to print (single-sided or double-
sided if your printer can print double-
Printer resolution, intensity, and
graphics mode.
The kinds of fonts to use while print-
Things like print quality and memory
tracking for the printer.
Prints selected portion of an open
project or program.
Closes all open projects and shuts
down LogicPro.
Menu Option