Watlow LogicPro User Manual
Page 106

Chapter 8: Ladder Diagrams
LogicPro User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00
the surrounding rungs and elements shift to accommodate the
newly added Function Block.
Figure 8.5
Rung Before Adding a Function
Figure 8.6
Rung With a Function Block Added
More detailed information on Function Block Dia-
grams and Function Blocks is available in Chap-
ter 9 and Chapter 10, respectively.
Connecting Function Blocks to Other Ladder Elements
You can add Ladder elements, such as contacts and coils, on
both sides of a Function Block. Figure 8.7 on page 91 shows
a Ladder diagram before additional elements are connected to
the Function Block, while Figure 8.8 on page 91 shows the
same Ladder diagram with the elements now included.
To connect Function Blocks to other Ladder elements:
Select the element type you want to add from the toolbar.
Position the pointer on the Ladder diagram where you
want to add the element, then click.
Coils cannot be used on the input side of a Func-
tion Block.
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