Table 2.2—the edit menu – Watlow LogicPro User Manual
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LogicPro User’s Guide
Chapter 2: LogicPro Workplace
Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00
Watlow Anafaze
Table 2.2
The Edit Menu
Menu Option
Note: This option is only available while
editing UDFB C/C++ source (*.c) and
header (*.h) files.
Also, note that the Undo buffer is only
one level deep: it only contains the last
keystroke. Selecting Undo twice will per-
form a ‘double-undo’, or redo.
Restores what you are working on to the
way it was before your very last action.
For example if you overwrite a line of
code, this command will remove your
edits and restore the line as it was
before you began.
Removes the selected objects and
places them in a temporary file. This
material remains in the temporary file
until overwritten by subsequent Cut or
Copy actions, or until you close
The Cut feature works the same way
when working with UDFBs, except that
the data is stored on the Windows Clip-
board, not the LogicPro temporary file.
Creates a duplicate of the selected
object without removing it (see note
below), and places it in a temporary file.
This material remains in the temporary
file until overwritten by subsequent Cut
or Copy actions, or until you close
The Copy feature works the same way
when working with UDFBs, except that
the data is stored on the Windows Clip-
board, not the LogicPro temporary file.
Places the content of the temporary file
into the active window at the insertion
point. If you are pasting in a UBFB, it is
the content of the clipboard that is
placed in the active window.
Pasting does not clear the temporary
file. The last item placed into it stays
there until subsequent Copy or Cut
actions, or until you close LogicPro.
Searches the active window for a spe-
cific variable.
Searches the active window for every
instance of a specific value and replaces
it with a new, user-defined value.