Outputs, Integer to real (itor), Inputs – Watlow LogicPro User Manual

Page 170: Figure 10.34— integer to real function block

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Chapter 10: Function Blocks

LogicPro User’s Guide


Watlow Anafaze

Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00


Q is the Real Move output bit. This bit is enabled and passes
power when the enable bit is True. Place an output coil on the
rung between Q in the function block and the right power rail
(in a Ladder Diagram program) or connect an output Variable
to it (in a FBD program).

ROUT is the Real Move output Variable. The value of the
input Variable is copied to this Variable when the enable bit is
True. The range of values this Variable can assume is from -


to 3.4x10


. If this Variable is assigned a value out of

these ranges, unpredictable results will occur. ROUT retains its
last valid value whenever EN is disabled.

Integer To Real (ITOR)

The Integer To Real (ITOR) function block, shown in Figure
, converts value of type integer to type real. The
converted real value is then stored in the real Variable
assigned to the output.

Figure 10.34 Integer to Real Function Block


EN is the Integer To Real enable bit. A True condition of this
bit causes the integer inputted to INP to be converted to a real
number. In a program using Ladder logic, the value of EN is
determined by the Boolean evaluation of elements placed
between the left power rail and EN in the function block. In
FBD programs, the value of EN is determined by the Variable
connected to EN. If no contacts are placed on the rung before
EN in a Ladder Diagrams program, the value of EN is always
True. In FBD, all inputs must be connected to a Variable.

INP is the Integer to Real function block integer input to be
converted when EN is True.


Q is the Integer To Real function block output bit. This bit is
enabled and passes power while a True condition of the enable
bit occurs.