Setpoint – Watlow LogicPro User Manual
Page 216

Chapter 12: Function Blocks
LogicPro User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc.# 28002-00 Rev 3.00
A channel’s setpoint can be used in logic programs by creating a
variable in the logic program that points to this controller parameter
as if it were physical I/O. This allows the logic program to examine
or set value of a setpoint. The I/O address for a setpoint is
constructed from the channel number only.
To associate a variable with a loop setpoint:
Open the Add Program/Resource Variable dialog box.
Enter a unique variable Name.
Select INT from the Type list.
Select Input or Output by clicking the corresponding check
Select Setpoint from the IO Driver list.
Select WORD from the IO Size list.
In the IO Physical Address field, enter the channel number
Setpoint Addressing Example
To create a variable named Setpoint_19 that reads the value of the
Setpoint of channel 19, set the options in the Add Program/
Resource Variable dialog box as illustrated below.
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