Fairbanks X SERIES PR 5410 Process Indicator User Manual
Page 89
Section 4: Commissioning
10/08 89
51207 Revision 1
4.7.5 Operating Parameters
Define the basic operating parameters under
Operating parameter
Setup/Operating parameter
Use alibimemory
tare & reset tare
only when not tared
Device address; e.g. for print-out.
The access code can be used to protect the [Setup] from unauthorized operation. Enter a number
with up to 6 digits. As long as you are in this menu, the value can be overwritten as required.
[Use alibimemory]
The dataset to be stored in the alibi memory can be defined:
[none] - nothing, [Gross] - Gross weight, [Net] - Net weight, [Gross,Net,Tare],
[Gross,Net], [Gross,Tare].
Number may appear (selectable) on the print-out too, is incremented automatically ( max. 999999 )
and can be set here.
The function of the tare key on the keypad can be configured:
[tare & reset tare]: the scale is tared if it was not tared previously; otherwise, tare is reset.
[tare & tare again]: when you press the [Tare] key, the current value is stored in the tare memory
and a net weight of 0 is displayed. [disabled]: The key has no function.
[only when not tared]: The function of the zero-setting key on the keypad can be limited to gross
mode. [reset tare on zeroset]: The zero-setting key switches the scale to gross mode automatically.
If the zero-setting key with these settings has no effect, the configured zero-setting range (around
the zero-point set with the dead load) is already utilized due to a previous zero-setting operation
and/or automatic zero setting. [disabled]: The key has no function.
[ShowGrossTarekey], [PrintKey], [Testkey]
The front panel keys for selecting between gross, net and tare, for starting a print command and for
starting the analog test can be de-activated by [disabled]. With [enabled], operation is possible.
Answer on the instrument display, if disabled keys are pressed.
Save changes?
To close the menu, press
. Press [Yes] to save the data, or [No] to
close the menu without changing data.