Fairbanks X SERIES PR 5410 Process Indicator User Manual

Page 74

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Section 4: Commissioning

10/08 74

51207 Revision 1

4.5.3 Determining the Maximum Capacity (Max)

The maximum capacity (Max) determines the maximum weight without dead load of the weight to be
measured and the displayed number of digits behind the decimal point. Normally, Max is less than
the load cell capacity (nominal capacity * number of load cells).
Permissible values are:

[Max] from 0.00010 to 999999, with

in kg, t, g or lb

Max must be an integer multiple of the scale interval. It may have up to 6 digits and is entered as a
numeric value with or without decimal point.

WP A/Calibration


3000 d

3000 kg

The weight unit can be changed from kg into t, g or lb by pressing


After pressing


confirmation of the change is displayed with:

Setting Max

Error messages

The maximum capacity is too high (the calculated input voltage
for the specified maximum capacity exceeds 36 mV).

Set Max failed

below calibration

Subsequent changing of the maximum capacity is possible; if you
decrease the capacity, a message is displayed if the new
maximum capacity is lower than the test load ([Calibrated at]):

Set Max failed

too many digits

The selected resolution is so high that less than 0.8 internal
counts per scale interval (d) or 0.5 µV/e for legal-for-trade acc. to
OIML/NSC are available.

Set Max failed

Max not multiple of scale interval

The maximum capacity is not an integer multiple of the scale

Set Max failed

incompatible units

Weight units do not match, e.g. subsequent change of [Max] from
kg to lb.

After you press [OK], the input value for the maximum capacity is cancelled.