Fairbanks X SERIES PR 5410 Process Indicator User Manual
Page 126
Section 5: SMA Protocol
10/08 126
51207 Revision 1
5.4.6 Scale Reply with ‘I’ and ‘N’ Commands
Reply format with ‘I' and 'N' commands (variable length):
Reply format and meaning:
Start of reply from 'I'/'N' command
The field name is three characters long, left-adjusted and filled up with spaces, if
The following fields are sent:
(reply from ‘I’ command)
Scale type: ‘S’= scale
(reply from the 1st ‘N” command)
Max, unit, scale interval and decimal position, separated by ‘:’
Meaning: yyyyyy= uuu:c..c:n:d
uuu= unit
n= scale interval (e.g. 1, 2, 5,10,20…) without decimal point
d= decimal point position
‘0’= without, ‘1’= xxxx.x, ‘2’= xxx.xx, ‘3’= xx.xxx , ... etc.
(reply from the 2nd ‘N’ command)
Supported SMA commands
(reply from the 3rd ‘N’ command)
This is always the last inscription field
(reply from the last ‘N’ command)
Separator between field name and field content.
The SMA field contains
Meaning: level = (1, 2, etc.); revision = (1.0, 1.1, etc.)
End of reply from 'I'/'N' command
Example: 6000kg x 1kg platform scale
Example: 5000g x 1g, 10000g x 2, 25000g x 5 multiple range / multi-interval
5.4.7 Communication Error
When a communication error due to a parity error or a frame error (if used) was detected, the scale
sends an ASCII ‘!’ character. The only other error is the detection of an unknown or non-supported
command. In this case, an ASCII '?' character is sent as a reply. Dependent on the error messages,
the controlling computer must decide how to continue the scale operation.