Fairbanks X SERIES PR 5410 Process Indicator User Manual
Page 81
Section 4: Commissioning
10/08 81
51207 Revision 1
4.5.12 Finishing / Saving the Calibration
Finish the calibration with
You are prompted to confirm whether calibration should be closed
without determining the test value.
Calibration not complete
Exit calibration?
If not all data was determined when calibrating with [New] (e.g. dead load
not set/entered), this message is shown:
Press [Yes] to confirm and then press
again; another prompt is
Exit calibration ?
Press [Save] to save changes in calibration data. If you press [Undo],
changes are not saved and the display returns to the selection menu for
the weighing points.
Saving calibration
Confirm, or
Exit calibration
close the menu.
After finishing the calibration, set the CAL switch to the closed position; see also Chapter 4.1.1.
4.5.13 Parameter Input
Open the menu via
WP A/Calibration
160 ms
Digital filter
3.00 Hz This line is shown only, if the filter is on.
Test mode
W & M
Standstill time
0.50 s
Standstill range
1.00 d
Select the measuretime; possible values: 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600 ms. In
'legal-for-trade' mode select <= 1 s.
[Digital filter]
The digital filter can be switched on only with the measuretime set to <= 160 ms.
Select the filter characteristic: [off], [bessel], [aperiod.], [butterw.], [tscheby.].
Enter the cut-off frequency for the low-pass filter (0.1 – 80 Hz); the setting is dependent on the