Backup – HP UX B6941-90001 User Manual

Page 461

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Chapter 10


Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance

System Maintenance

archived. For more information, see the appropriate Oracle
documentation. For information on how to set up Archive-log mode in
ITO, see “Maintaining the Database” on page 468 and the section on
database tasks in the HP ITO Administrator’s Guide to Online

Off-line Backup



tool offers two backup possibilities, which allow you to

backup ITO configuration data only, include the current and history
messages, too, or do a full backup that includes the ITO binaries and
installation defaults. However, all ITO GUIs have to be shut down and
all OpenView services stopped, including the ITO server processes. Then,
the Oracle database is shut down, and a complete off-line backup is
performed. If you are considering using this method to backup your data,
the following advantages and disadvantages should be noted:

• archive-log mode is not needed, which means

• better overall performance

• less disk space required

• you can only recover to the state of the most recent full backup

• binaries are backed up, too (if full mode is used)

• all OV services and GUIs have to be stopped

For an overview of the backup functions, see the following man pages:





Automated Backup

ITO integrates its own backup and restore scripts with those provided by
Network Node Manager (NNM),


, and


in order to carry out a complete automated backup of

the database while the ITO GUI and server processes are running. This
automated backup is designed to be run with a


job or an ITO

scheduled action. For more information on the NNM automated-backup
scripts as well as the automated-backup scripts provided by ITO, see the
sections; “The ovbackup.ovpl Command” and “The ovrestore.ovpl
Command” on page 465.