HP UX B6941-90001 User Manual
Page 283

Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
To correct time differences between the different time resources used by
the ITO C-routines and the MPE/iX intrinsics and commands, the
TIMEZONE variable must be set on MPE/iX managed nodes. If not,
messages can be sent to the wrong management server as they are
processed using the incorrect time. For information about setting the
TIMEZONE variable for MPE/iX nodes, see Chapter 2 of the HP
OpenView IT/Operations Administrator’s Reference.
The following examples show various ways to specify time formats in the
time templates:
❏ No Time
If you do not specify a particular time, day of the week, or year, ITO
assumes that you want the condition to be true for 24 hours, from
00:00 to 24:00 every day of the year.
ITO requires you set up a time template for the message target rules
even if the scheduled action does not depend on time. You can use the
to configure time templates when the condition
is always true.
❏ Specific Dates or Times
If you specify a condition, ITO assumes the conditions should
continually exist for the time/day specified. For example:
• If you specify only Tuesday, ITO will evaluate the condition as true
every Tuesday from 00:01 to 23:59 throughout the year, every
year. Use the syntax:
• Specifying January 1 and nothing else will match a condition
every January 1st of every year. Use the syntax:
DATE ON 01/01/*
❏ Time Periods
For example:
• To set a time period from 7:00 to 17:00, use the syntax:
TIME FROM 7:00 TO 17:00
• To set a time period from Monday to Friday, use the syntax: