Template groups – HP UX B6941-90001 User Manual
Page 193

Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Ownership of messages is no longer optional: it is
Informational The concept of ownership is replaced with that of
marking/unmarking. A “marked” message indicates
that an operator has taken note of a message.
In optional mode, the owner of a message has exclusive read-write
access to the message: all other users who have this message in their
browser have only limited access to it. In optional mode, only the owner
of a message may:
❏ perform operator-initiated actions related to a message
❏ escalate a message
❏ acknowledge a message; that is, move a message to the history
In enforced ownership mode, an operator either chooses explicitly to
take ownership of a message or, on attempting to perform operations on
a message that is not owned by anybody, that message is assigned to him
automatically. In enforced mode, ownership of a message will be
assigned to the operator who attempts to:
❏ perform operator-initiated actions relating to a message
❏ escalate a message
❏ unacknowledge a message; that is, move a message from the history
database to the active database
In informational mode, a marked message indicates that an operator
has taken note of a message. Marking a message is purely for
informational purposes: it does not restrict or alter operations on the
message in the way that either optional or enforced mode does. An
operator may only unmark messages he himself has marked.
Template Groups
The template administrator uses the
Message Source Templates
window to add, modify, or delete templates and template groups. Table
5-3 on page 194 lists the default template groups provided with ITO and
describes briefly what each does: