Managed node requirements:olivetti unix, Managed node requirements:os/2 – HP UX B6941-90001 User Manual
Page 38

Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Installing ITO Agent Software
Managed Node Requirements
❏ NetBasic must be installed on NetWare depot servers
NetBasic runtime version 6.00j - Build 4.127 or higher is required for
NetWare depot server(s) (the systems which are used for the ITO
agent software installation). See “Installation Tips for Novell
NetWare Managed Nodes” on page 75 for details on how to get and
install NetBasic.The valid runtime serial number to be used with
NetBasic is delivered together with the ITO NetWare agent at no
additional cost.
Software Requirements for Olivetti UNIX Managed
The following software must be installed on Olivetti UNIX managed
❏ Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
❏ Olivetti networking support utilities: nsu 2.4
❏ Olivetti internet utilities software: inet 2.4
❏ Gradient NCS 1.5.1 package SVR4 for x86: NckNidl GR 1.3.1
If NCS is not yet installed on the managed node, ITO installs
during ITO software installation.
❏ For use in NFS cluster-client operations, the Olivetti NFS product
(nfs 2.2) must be installed on the managed node.
Software Requirements for OS/2 Managed Nodes
The following software must be installed on managed nodes running
❏ Operating system: for the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
❏ Networking packages for OS/2 Warp 3.0 or OS/2 Warp 4.0
• TCP/IP 3.0 (requires MPTS - included in OS/2 Warp 3.0 Connect
and OS/2 Warp 4.0)
To get the SNMP daemons on OS.2 Warp 4.0, install System View