5 global pr ogr am set tings (sof tw ar e option) – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (60642x-04) User Manual

Page 442

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Programming: Special Functions



.5 Global Pr


am Set

tings (sof



e option)

Description of function

The functions for defining the limit plane are available in the Global

Program Settings form on the Limit plane tab. Once you enabled the

Limit Plane function (On/Off check box) and selected a check box to

activate an axis range, the TNC graphically displays this plane on the

right side of the screen. The green cuboid represents your machine's

traverse range.
The TNC provides the functions described below:

Coordinate system


Here you specify the coordinate system on which the data entered

in the Limit values range is to be based.

Machine system


Limit values are based on the machine coordinate system (M91


Workpiece system


Limit values are based on the workpiece coordinate system. The

workpiece coordinate system is based on the datum set on the

workpiece without consideration of a defined basic rotation and

without consideration of any active coordinate transformations.

Input system


Limit values are based on the input coordinate system. The input

coordinate system coincides with the workpiece coordinate

system if no coordinate transformations are active. If coordinate

transformations are active (basic rotation, datum shift, mirroring,

rotation, scaling factor, tilted working plane), the input coordinate

system differs from the workpiece coordinate system


Danger of collision!

Please note that the definition of one or more limit planes

will result in positioning movements that are not defined

in the NC program, and therefore cannot be simulated!
Use the Limit Plane function only in conjunction with

straight-line blocks. The TNC does not monitor any circular

For mid-program startup at a position outside the active

traverse range, the TNC positions the tool to the position

at which it would leave the defined traverse range.
If the tool is located at a position outside the traverse

range when a cycle is called, then the cycle will not be

The TNC executes all miscellaneous functions M that are

defined outside the traverse range in the NC program.

This also applies to PLC positioning movements or

traverse commands from NC macros.
The limit plane function is also active in MDI mode.