HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (60642x-04) User Manual

Page 16

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New functions in v


rsion 60642x



The new host computer operation was introduced (see "Host

computer operation" on page 700)

The SELinux security software is available (see "SELinux security

software" on page 97)

Improvements to the DXF converter:

Contours can now also be extracted from .H files (see "Data

transfer from plain-language programs" on page 294)

Preselected contours can now also be selected in the tree

structure (see "Selecting and saving a contour" on page 282)

A snap function facilitates contour selection

Extended status display (see "Basic settings" on page 278)

Adjustable background color (see "Basic settings" on page 278)

Display can be changed between 2-D and 3-D (see "Basic settings"

on page 278)

Improvements to the global program settings (GS):

All the form data can now be set and reset under program control

(see "Technical requirements" on page 432)

Handwheel superimposition value VT can be reset when tool is

changed (see "Virtual axis VT" on page 440)

If the Swapping Axes function is active, it is now permitted to

position to machine-based positions on the axes that have not

been swapped

Using the new SEL PGM function you can assign variable program

names via QS string parameters and call them with CALL SELECTED

(see "Defining a program call" on page 466)

Improvements to the tool table TOOL.T:

Using the FIND ACTIVE TOOL NAMES soft key you can check

whether identical tool names are defined in the tool table (see

"Editing tool tables" page 191 ff)

The input range of the delta values DL, DR and DR2 has been

increased to 999.9999 mm (see "Tool table: Standard tool data"

page 184 ff)

The following additional functions are now available in the expanded

tool management (see "Tool management (software option)" on

page 207):

Importing of tool data in CSV format (see "Importing tool data" on

page 212)

Exporting of tool data in CSV format (see "Exporting tool data" on

page 214)

Marking and deleting of selectable tool data (see "Deleting marked

tool data" on page 214)

Inserting of tool indices (see "Operating the tool management" on

page 209)