Parameter menus – AJA FS2 User Manual
Page 56

The front panel menu display contains four lines. These four lines present parameter
menu "pages" used to configure and operate the FS2.
Each parameter menu page presents the following information:
First line—parameter number and name.
Second line—the editable value or values set for a parameter.
Third line and Fourth Lines—status, legends, or prompts. Not always used.
Four Lines of the Front Panel Display
The FS2 display presents five major types of menu pages:
Status pages—present status information that cannot be changed.
Simple parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name on line 1
and its current value setting on line 2. The line 2 value can be changed using
SELECT and ADJUST. Example: Output Format.
"Take action" parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name on
line 1, and the value to "take" on line 2. A "take" prompt may appear on line 3.
The line 2 value can be changed using SELECT and ADJUST, and the take or
switch to the new value occurs when you press ADJUST momentarily.
Examples: Preset Save/Recall.
Multi-parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name on line 1
and multiple parameter values on line 2, each of which can be set separately
using SELECT and ADJUST. In order to set all parameters, you must move to
each parameter and set its value individually. Example: Proc Amp (to set Gain,
Black Level, and Hue, you must select three separate parameters).
Multiple field parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name on
line 1 and its current value setting on line 2, consisting of multiple letter or
number fields that must each be set individually. The line 2 fields can be
changed using SELECT and ADJUST. Example: IP Address
1 P a r a m n u m b e r & n a m e
2 C u r r e n t v a l u e s e t t i n g
3 L e g e n d , i n f o o r p r o m p t
4 L e g e n d , i n f o o r p r o m p t