0 audio delay (ms), 16 audio delay ch1-16 (ms), 24 audio delay ch1/2-15/ 16(ms) – AJA FS2 User Manual
Page 116

6.0 Audio Delay
This parameter is available only when the audio input (parameter 1) is set to AES/
EBU, Analog, Embedded, or HDMI. The parameter allows you to adjust the audio
delay to compensate for video timing (delay/latency). Turning the ADJUST knob
changes the audio delay from -16 to +256 mS (the default is zero delay).
If parameter 3 Audio Follow Video is set to On, the Audio Delay selection is
independently kept for each separate input. If Audio Follow Video is set to Off, a
single Audio Delay value applies, regardless of the video input. (This value is
independent of any of the values used in Audio-Follow-Video mode.)
Note: the Delay menu for a particular channel-pair may be hidden if that channel
pair is controlled by the Dolby Framer (see 9.0 Dolby Framer Sync).
6.1-16 Audio
Delay Ch1-16
These parameters apply only when the audio input (parameter 1) is set to Channel
Map. The parameters allow you to adjust the audio delay to compensate for video
timing (delay/latency). Turning the ADJUST knob changes the delay from -16 to
+256 mS or -768 to +12288 (the default is zero delay).
Note: this menu is not displayed when Dolby Framer Sync is in control of the delay
for a channel. While Dolby Framer Sync is enabled, and the Dolby Framer Input is
assigned to channels x/y, any values assigned for Audio Delay Ch x or Audio Delay
Ch y parameters are ignored, and those menus are hidden.
If parameter 3 Audio Follow Video is set to On, the Audio Delay selection is
independently kept for each video input. If Audio Follow Video is set to Off, a single
Audio Delay value applies, regardless of the video input. (This value is independent
of any of the values used in Audio-Follow-Video mode.)
6.17-24 Audio
Delay Ch1/2-15/
These parameters apply only when the audio input (parameter 1) is set to Stereo
Map and allow you to adjust the stereo audio delay to compensate for video timing
(delay/latency). Turning the ADJUST knob changes the delay from -16 to +256 mS or
-768 to +12288 (the default is zero delay).
Note: this menu is not displayed when Dolby Framer Sync is in control of the delay
for a channel-pair. While Dolby Framer Sync is enabled, and the Dolby Framer Input is
6.0 Audio Delay
Selection Descriptions
Adjustment range increments from -16 to +256 mS or -768 samples
to +12288 samples.
Default=0 (synchronized to video output).
6.1-16 Audio Delay
Selection Descriptions
Adjustment range increments from -16 to +256 mS or -768 samples
to +12288 samples.
Default=0 (synchronized to video output).