Vid2 format alarm, Reference alarm, Vid2 format alarm reference alarm – AJA FS2 User Manual
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FS2 Installation and Operation Manual — Alarm Configuration Screen
the Format Alarm. The front panel Vid 1 FMT ERR LED lights when format errors are
detected even if this selection is set to Suppress. The ADJUST knob changes the
setting, and the change is automatically saved.
Vid2 Format
Vid2 Format Alarm indicates incompatible input/output formats in the Video 2
Processor. When set to Normal (default), an alarm is triggered whenever the selected
input video signal format of Video Proc 2 is incompatible with the selected output
format (refer to the matrix of inputs and compatibilities presented in Chapter 2). If you
want the FS2 alarm to trigger only on hardware failures, you can suppress the Format
Alarm. The front panel Vid 2 FMT ERR LED lights when format errors are detected even
if this selection is set to Suppress. The ADJUST knob changes the setting, and the
change is automatically saved.
Reference Alarm
Reference Alarm controls how the FS2 responds to various reference video signal
conditions. When set to Normal, the alarm triggers under these conditions:
1. The reference signal is not detected or is incompatible with the output format.
2. The reference signal is required, either because 2 Output format is set to Follow Ref or
6.1 Genlock Source is set to Reference.
If you want the FS2 alarm to trigger only on hardware failures, you can suppress the
Format Alarm. The ADJUST knob changes the setting, which is automatically saved.
Note: For proper operation the Input reference signal must be stable and properly
terminated using a 75-ohm terminator on either the unused loop connector or the
last piece of downstream equipment to which the Ref Video is connected.
(6.1) Vid 1 Format Alarm
Selection Descriptions
Normal (default)
Alarm triggers if the format of the selected input video signal is
incompatible with the selected output format.
Alarm will not be triggered by a format incompatibility.
(6.2) Vid 2 Format Alarm
Selection Descriptions
Normal (default)
Alarm triggers if the format of the selected input video signal is
incompatible with the selected output format.
Alarm will not be triggered by a format incompatibility.
(7) Reference Alarm
Selection Descriptions
Normal (default)
Alarm triggers if the reference signal is not detected, is incompatible
with the output format, or the reference is required because the
output is set to Follow Ref or the genlock source is set to Reference.
Alarm will not be triggered by reference errors.