Rockwell Automation 20G PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives User Manual
Page 371

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-RM002B-EN-P - September 2013
Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Applications for PowerFlex 755 AC Drives
Chapter 6
• Position Loop:
You can manually adjust the Loop Bandwidth, Integrator
Bandwidth, Integrator Hold and Error Tolerance values.
• Velocity Loop:
You can manually adjust the Loop Bandwidth, Integrator
Bandwidth, Integrator Hold, and Error tolerance (when used as a Velocity
Loop) values.
Motion Generator Section:
The Motion Generator is a subset of the Motion
Direct commands that lets you control the axis motion for tuning.
Additional Tune Section:
This section enables adjustment of multiple settings
of the axis properties:
• Feedforward Tab:
Lets you adjust the Velocity Feedforward percentage
and Acceleration Feedforward percentage.
• Compensation Tab:
Lets you adjust the System Inertia percentage and
Torque Offset percentage.
• Filters Tab:
Lets you adjust the Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth and
Torque Notch Filter Frequency.
• Limits Tab:
Lets you adjust the Peak Torque Limit Positive / Negative
percentages and Velocity Limit Positive / Negative Units per Second
• Planner Tab:
Lets you adjust the Maximum Speed, Maximum
Acceleration, Maximum Deceleration, Maximum Acceleration Jerk, and
Maximum Deceleration Jerk values.