Operation, Beginning an auto-reset/run cycle – Rockwell Automation 20G PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives User Manual
Page 26
Rockwell Automation Publication 750-RM002B-EN-P - September 2013
Chapter 1
Drive Configuration
P349 [Auto Rstrt Delay] sets the time, in seconds, between each reset/run
The auto reset/run feature supports the following status information.
P936 [Drive Status 2] Bit 1 “AuRstrCntDwn” provides indication that an
Auto Restart attempt is presently counting down and the drive attempts to
start at the end of the timing event.
P936 [Drive Status 2] Bit 0 “AutoRstr Act” indicates that the auto restart
has been activated.
The typical steps performed in an Auto Reset/Run cycle are as follows.
The drive is running and an Auto Reset Run fault occurs, thus initiating
the fault action of the drive.
After the number of seconds in P349 [Auto Rstrt Delay], the drive
automatically performs an internal Fault Reset, resetting the faulted
The drive then issues an internal Start command to start the drive.
If another Auto Reset Run fault occurs, the cycle repeats itself up to the
number of attempts set in P348 [Auto Rstrt Tries].
If the drive faults repeatedly for more than the number of attempts set in
P348 [Auto Rstrt Tries] with less than five minutes between each fault, the
Auto Reset/Run is considered unsuccessful and the drive remains in the
faulted state.
If the drive remains running for five minutes or more because the last
reset/run without a fault, or is otherwise stopped or reset, the Auto Reset/
Run is considered successful. The Auto Restart status parameters are reset,
and the process repeats if another auto resettable fault occurs.
See Aborting an Auto-Reset/Run Cycle for information on how the
Reset/Run cycle can be aborted.
Beginning an Auto-Reset/Run Cycle
The following conditions must be met when a fault occurs for the drive to begin
an Auto Reset/Run cycle:
The fault type must be Auto Reset Run.
P348 [Auto Rstrt Tries] setting must be greater than zero.
The drive must have been running, not jogging, not auto tuning, and not
stopping, when the fault occurred. (A DC Brake state is part of a stop
sequence and therefore is considered stopping.)