Rockwell Automation 20P PowerFlex Digital DC Drive User Manual
Page 96

Rockwell Automation Publication 20P-UM001I-EN-P - February 2013
Chapter 2
Drive Start Up
Access the “Digital Inputs” group.
Configure the following parameters:
❏ Par 1391 [ContactorControl] - Select the type of contactor(s) used
with the drive: 1 “Contactor” (default, AC input or DC output
contactor), 2 “Contactor+DB” (AC input or DC output contactor
and dynamic brake contactor), or 0 “None”.
: If you select 0 “None” for Par 1391 [ContactorControl], a
“CntactrCflct” alarm will display. The alarm will be resolved and
automatically clear when you complete the Digital Output
configuration below.
: If Par 1391 [ContactorControl] is set to 1 or 2, an Auxiliary
Status contactor must be wired to a digital input (default for digital
input 8).
❏ Par 140 [Digital In8 Sel] - If a contactor is NOT used, set to other
than 31 “Contactor” (for example, 0 “Not Used”).
❏ If an auxiliary status contactor is wired to a digital input, set the
appropriate [Digital Inx Sel] parameter to 31 “Contactor”.
Access the “Digital Outputs” group.
Configure the following parameters:
❏ If a contactor and a dynamic brake resistor are used:
• Par 629 [Relay Out 2 Sel] = 24 “ContactorDB”.
❏ If a neither a contactor nor a dynamic brake resistor are used:
• Par 629 [Relay Out 2 Sel] = Set to other than 24 “ContactorDB”
or 25 “Contactor” (for example, 0 “Not Used”).
• Par 1392 [Relay Out 1 Sel] = Set to other than 24
“ContactorDB” or 25 “Contactor” (for example, 0 “Not Used”).