E option definitions for [digital inx sel, Digital inputs, Fil e gr oup no . parameter name & description – Rockwell Automation 20P PowerFlex Digital DC Drive User Manual

Page 184: Values da ta t yp e rela ted

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Rockwell Automation Publication 20P-UM001I-EN-P - February 2013

Chapter 3

Programming and Parameters






igital Inputs

Option Definitions for [Digital Inx Sel]
Note: When assigning digital inputs to certain options that are associated with parameters, those parameter values may be overwritten by the state of the digital input.







Parameter Name & Description


page 110

for symbol descriptions










A digital input (1…8 only) must be configured for “Enable”.


For digital inputs 9…12, this option is not available (displays as “Reserved”).





Removing the enable input causes the motor to coast-to-stop without generating a fault.



Stops the drive if running or jogging or clears a fault if the drive is already stopped.



Issues a Start command, removal does not Stop the drive (3-wire control).



Selects the operating direction of the drive. 0 = Forward, 1 = Reverse



Issues a Start command, removal causes the drive to Stop (2-wire control).

Run Forward


Issues a Run command in the Forward direction.

Run Reverse


Issues a Run command in the Reverse direction.

Run Level


Level sensitive Run command (no off-to-on transition required).

RunFwd Level


Run Level command in the Forward direction.

RunRev Level


Run Level command in the Reverse direction.



Starts the drive and runs at the speed in Par 266 [Jog Speed], removal causes the drive to Stop.

Jog Forward


Issues a Jog command in the Forward direction.

Jog Reverse


Issues a Jog command in the Reverse direction.

Aux Fault

Asserting causes an Auxiliary Input fault (F2).

Clear Faults

Issues a Clear Faults command.


Selects between Automatic and Manual speed reference values.

Speed Sel 1 - 3

Selects one of eight speed references. Bit enumerations: 000 = Par 44 [Speed Ref A], 001 = Par 48 [Speed Ref B], 010 = Par 155 [Preset Speed 2], 011 = Par 156 [Preset Speed 3], 100 = Par 157 [Preset Speed
4], 101 = Par 158 [Preset Speed 5], 110 = Par 159 [Preset Speed 6], 111 = Par 160 [Preset Speed 7]

PI Enable

Enables/disables the PI block of the PID regulator (Par 769 [Enable PI]).

PI Hold

Enables/disables a hold on the PI output.

PI Reset

Asserting causes a reset of the PI output.

PI Invert

Asserting causes an inversion of the PI output.


Enables exclusive drive control via the I/O Terminal Block only.

Acc2 & Dec2

Switches between the Accel/Decel 1 and Accel/Decel 2 ramp rates.

Accel 2

Switches between the Accel 1 and Accel 2 ramp rates.

Decel 2

Switches between the Decel 1 and Decel 2 ramp rates.


Asserting causes the MOP reference to increment at the rate set in Par 22 [MOP Accel Time].


Asserting causes the MOP reference to decrement at the rate set in Par 30 [MOP Decel Time].

Fast Stop

Causes the drive to Stop at the rate set in Par 38 [Fast Stop Time].


Indicates the status of the main contactor/DB contactor. Must be assigned and asserted in order to run drive when Par 1391 [ContactorControl] = “Contactor” or “Contactor+DB”.

MOP Reset

Asserting resets the MOP reference to zero.


Turns on /off Torque Reduction using the reduced current limit set in Par 13 [Torq Red CurLim].

Force MinFld

When asserted, the field current is set to the value specified in Par 498 [Force Min Field]. Important: See Attention statement on page


for this option. Not used for permanent magnet motor applications.

Freeze Ramp

Holds the speed ramp at the present value (Par 373 [Freeze Ramp]).


Writes the value of the digital input to Pars 520 [UsrDefBitWrdA0] - 527 [UsrDefBitWrdA7].

Droop Enable

Enables/disables the Droop function (699 [Enable Droop]).

PD Enable

Enables/disables the PD block of the PID regulator (Par 770 [Enable PD]).

PI Cent vs0 - 1

In combination, the digital inputs set to “PI Central vs0” and “PI Central vs1”, through binary selection, determine which of the four possible output values is used as the initial level of the integral component
(corresponding to the initial diameter) of the PI block. See Par 780 [PI Central vs0] for binary selection values.

Diam Calc

When asserted initiates the diameter calculation (Par 794 [Diameter Calc]).

Diam Reset

Sets the diameter starting value to the value in Par 1168 [Diam Preset Sel].

DiamCalc Dis

Enables/disables the diameter calculation (Par 1161 [Diameter Calc Dis]).

Torq Wind En

Enables/disables the Center wind function (Par 1209 [Torque Winder En]).

Speed Match

When asserted, issues the coil 'launch phase' command for automatic switching (Par 1195 [Speed Match]).

Diam I/D En

Enables/disables the ability of the diameter calculation to increase for an unwider or decrease for a winder (Par 1205 [Diam Inc Dec En]).


Sets the value of Par 1187 [Winder Type] to “0” Winder or “1” Unwinder .

Diam Preset0 - 1

Selects the value of Par 1164 [Diam Preset 0], 1165 [Diam Preset 1], Par 1166 [Diam Preset 2], or Par 1167 [Diam Preset 3] See Par 1168 [Diam Preset Sel].

Taper Enable

Enables/disables the Taper function (Par 1176 [Taper Enable]).

Spd DemandEn

Enables/disables the speed reference calculation (winder operation), (Par 1215 [Speed Demand En]).

Winder Side

Selection of the winding/unwinding side (0 = up, 1 = down).

PI-PD Enable

Selection between PI and PD (winder operation), (Par 1201 [Winder Side]).

Jog TW En

Enables/disables the Torque Winder jog function (Par 1256 [Jog TW Enable]).

Invert Flt

Must be used when the digital input is wired to the status of an inverting fault device (fuse, circuit breaker, etc.). Removing the input causes an “Inverting Fault” (F37).