Sensaphone SCADA 3000 Users manual User Manual

Page 133

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Chapter 14: Real-Time Screen Design

Color: Color of the group container. (Panel only: A custom list of colors for button


Constraints: Limits the maximum and minimum size of the box.
MaxHeight: Sets the maximum height of the box. (0 disables this property)
MaxWidth: Sets the maximum width of the box. (0 disables this property)
MinHeight: Sets the minimum height of the box. (0 disables this property)
MinWidth: Sets the minimum width of the box. (0 disables this property)
Font: Sets the default font (TFont). Click in the font box, then click the small but-

ton at the end of the box to select a font.

Charset: Specifies the character set of the font. Dependent upon what values of

Charset are valid as supplied by the font vendor.

Color: Sets the color of the text.
Height: Sets the height of the font object in pixels. If you wish to use a specific

point size, you should set the size property.

Pitch: fpDefault, fpFixed, or fpVariable. Using fpDefault as the pitch value will cause

the default pitch style to be used with the font. fpFixed causes each character in

the font to have the same width (monospacing). fpVariable allows different charac-

ters within a font to have unique widths.

Size: Sets the point size of a font object. If you need to ensure that the font fits

within a specified area, you can manipulate the Height and Pitch properties.

Style: Sets the default style of the font or text.

fsBold: Sets the default to boldface.
fsItalic: Sets the default to italic.
fsStrikeout: Forces a line through the font.
fsUnderline: Underlines the text as default.

Height: Vertical size in pixels (over-ridden if you chose a Max/Min Height).
Hint: Text shown on mouseover.
Left: X coordinate of left edge of component on screen.
Multiline (PageControl only): Allows multiple levels of tabbed pages.
Ragged Right (PageControl only): Sizes tab to text width when tabwidth is set to 0.
Show Hint: Check to activate hint feature.
Style (PageControl only): Allows tabs to appear as buttons, flat buttons or tabs.
TabHeight (PageControl only): Adjusts the tab height. Automatically adjusts to text

when set to 0.

TabWidth (PageControl only): Sets the tab width. Automatically adjusts when set

to 0.

Top: Y coordinate from top edge of component on screen.
Visible: Check to make box visible.
Width: Horizontal size of box/panel in pixels (over-ridden by Max/Min Width val-

ues, if any.)