Alarm printing and logging, Printing, Logging – Sensaphone SCADA 3000 Users manual User Manual

Page 103: Alarm printing and logging -21, Printing -21 logging -21

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Chapter 11: Programming for Phone Line Applications

Figure 12: Comm Port form

When an alarm call is received, the software will try to match the calling unit with one in its

database. If a match is found, it will download the event log and display the alarm information

on the Alarm History form shown below.

Figure 13: Alarm History form

This form will store all alarms that are received on the computer. You can clear the informa-

tion on the form by clicking the Clear button.

Alarm Printing and Logging

Alarms that are received can also be immediately printed and/or logged to a delimited text file

for permanent storage or for importing into other programs. To enable these features click the

Alarms button from the toolbar on the Control Center form and then select the Logging Tab.

The form below will appear:

Figure 14: Alarm Log screen


To print alarms as they are received, click the Auto-Print Incoming Alarms box. Next choose a

printer by clicking the Select button.


To log alarms to a delimited text file, click the box labeled Maintain Log File. Next, click the

Select button to enter a name for the file. The default file name is Incoming.log. Now choose

how you would like the fields delimited, either Tab or Comma. Note that Tab-delimited files