Operator's manual – Teledyne LeCroy Serial Data Debug Solutions User Manual
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Operator's Manual
919586 RevA
DW Right-Hand Dialog - Provide Data Pattern Setup field values for Data Condition,Start Bit and # Data
Bits, Data Value and Data Value To (for range conditions).
RxStat2 Right-Hand Dialog - Provide RT Address field values for Condition, Value and To (for range
conditions). Select Status Word Setup values (0, 1, or X) for Error, Instr, SRQ, Bcast Rcvd, Busy, Sub Syst,
Dyn Bus, and Term Flg.
RT-BC (Xmit) Sub-Type and Right-Hand Dialogs
When the RT-BC (Xmit) sub-type is selected, the TxCmd1, DW, and TxStat1 right-hand dialogs are made
Note: Different combinations of similar right-hand dialogs are made available for the various Sub-Types. See
BC-RT (Rcv) Sub-Type Right-Hand Dialogs
for screen-shots. Otherwise, provide field information as directed
TxCmd1 Right-Hand Dialog - Provide values for the RT and Sub Address fields complete with Condition,
Value, To (for range conditions), and T/R controls. Word Count/Mode Code fields include Condition and
Word Count (amount) controls.
DW Right-Hand Dialog - Provide Data Pattern Setup field values for Data Condition,Start Bit and # Data
Bits, Data Value and Data Value To (for range conditions).
TxStat1 Right-Hand Dialog - Provide RT Address field values for Condition, Value and To (for range
conditions). Select Status Word Setup values (0, 1, or X) for Error, Instr, SRQ, Bcast Rcvd, Busy, Sub Syst,
Dyn Bus, and Term Flg.