Burkert Type 8717 User Manual

Page 38

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CANopen Start-up

If runtime monitoring is supported, the slave using the Node-Guarding time and fail factor of its object library to
calculate the reacting time. If runtime monitoring is accessed, the NMT slave informs its local application of the
event. If the values of runtime monitoring and the fail factor are zero (0), no runtime monitoring occurs.

Runtime monitoring of the slave starts as soon as the slave receives the first monitoring request. Usually this
happens during the start phase or later.

Node Guarding is adjustable by the following objects:



index, Subindex

Node-Guarding Time

(monitoring time)

Read Write

defines the monitoring time in ms.

dec: 4108, 0
Hex: 100C, 0


Node-Guarding Fail Factor

Read Write

defines the reacting time for detcting a timeout.

for example reacting time = monitoring time ×

fail factor.

dec: 4109, 0
Hex: 100d, 0



With Heartbeat, a cyclical check determines whether the other node is still responding. If there is no Heartbeat
message from the node, the monitoring node is informed. If the heartbeat objects are written with values not
equal to 0, monitoring occurs after the change of status from INITIALIZING to PRE-OPERATIONAL. The Bootup
message is the first one to have the heartbeat message. Using both mechanisms (Node-Guarding and Heartbeat)
simultaneously is not permitted. If the objects of the heartbeat are not equal to zero (0), Heartbeat is used as the
monitoring mechanism.

Heartbeat is adjusted with the following objects:



index, Subindex

Consumer Heartbeat Time


Number of entries 1–127

dec: 4118, 0
Hex: 1016, 0


Read Write

Bits 31–24: Reserved
Bits 23–16: Node Id of generator
Bits 15–0: Heartbeat time

dec: 4118, 1–127
Hex: 1016, 1–7


Producer Heartbeat Time

Read Write

defines the monitoring time in ms

dec: 4109, 0
Hex: 100d, 0


MFC Family