Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 139

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TYPES and CHARACTERS filters for the Massive MASSIVE Plug-in.

Click tags to filter files based on the selected type and character tags. Click the selected
tags again to deselect them and broaden the search.

Tags for Projects, Groups and Sounds: 3 Type Levels

For Projects, Groups and Sounds tags are structured into three hierarchical levels globally
called Types. You can select them via the



At first the


filter displays the available top-level tags only.

As soon as you select a tag at the top level, the second level appears underneath with sub-
tags of the selected tag.

The hierarchical structure means that the sets of sub-tags are specific to each tag of the
level above.

Example: Imagine that you are looking for a bass synth


Searching and Loading Files from the Library

MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 139